COVID-19 And How It’s Affected Me As A Designer.
First of all, welcome to my very first blog!
I’m so excited to express my thoughts, experiences, and expertise with you. This whole writing thing is not normally my cup of tea. My forte’ has always been more of a visual form of art like painting, pottery, design, etc. For your sake, let’s hope I am able to continually get better as these blogs go on. I promise I’ll talk about Interior Design. In the meantime, I hope you’ll stick around to hear my interpretations of all that I share.
What strange times these are. I could have never imagined that anything like a worldwide pandemic would occur during my lifetime. I’m betting you’re thinking the same thing. One thing that I am grateful of, however, is the fact that it has pushed change my way. Like most people, I am terrified of change. I like feeling comfortable and stable just as much as the next person. At first it was scary with all of the uncertainties and anxieties that come with change. From the health and well-being of my loved ones to the question of how I’m going to pay my bills to “How the heck am I going to find toilet paper in this town?!” and panic-buying a bidet. (Sidenote - You should totally get one... It’s a game-changer.) The biggest change I’ve made since being quarantined is career-based. I started Staydream Studio! For the last couple of years I’ve felt a little stuck. Sure, I enjoyed what I was doing while I was working for past companies, but that’s exactly it - they were other companies. If you’re as opinionated as me, you would probably agree that there’s always something that you don’t agree with in a company you work for and don’t have the control to change it. With that said, I can thank COVID-19 for daring me to do something about it. I’m a true believer in balance.
“Sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us.”
If you’re reading this during the stay-at-home order and feel stuck at home, that’s exactly what inspired me to create this company. I want you to feel safe at home, not stuck. However, I understand the struggle of being inside your house and not feeling like you belong. What I mean by that, is your space feels… blah. Catch my drift? Being quarantined, I’m sure a lot of people are paying attention to their home’s flaws that drive them crazy because there’s not much else to do. Your home should feel like your sanctuary - Where you fall back to let go, relax, and feel your presence without the pressures of society. Does your home capture your own personal style? Really think about it. Many houses have bits and pieces that reflect who lives inside it, but lack that certain energy that makes you truly feel it. That’s most likely the lack of cohesiveness and bravado. Your space should not only remind you how awesome you are, but also inspire you to keep doing those things that make you so great.
Originally, when I decided it was time to build my own company, my inspiration came from a newfound wanderlust that sparked in me a few years back. I have a goal to create spaces that you would have on your bucket list and be overjoyed with the simple fact that you stayed there. I have so many places I want to go and the pile just keeps stacking up. Not necessarily to brag that I’ve been there, but more-so to remind myself that I’ve done some pretty cool things and life is meant to be enjoyed. I want a reminder that I’ve been to some pretty cool places, and that inspires me to be an even cooler cat [insert Tiger King reference here]. Being home with no option to travel recently, my thought process had evolved to what I described in the above paragraph. Your home should feel like a getaway, especially when you can’t actually get away.
In the spirit of feeling inspired after a challenge I’ve started stepping into, I’d like to challenge you to think of the activities or dreams that elate you and allow you to let down your guard. Within those activities and dreams, I invite you to dig deeper into how you can visually remind yourself to not lose sight of those things. If you want to build an environment that does just that, reach out to Staydream and we would love to help your vision come to life.